Onigre, or “Horned Orc” as they are often called, are highly festive descendants of Orcs. Less serious than their Orcish cousins. They use any excuse they can conjure up to celebrate and have over 150 individual holidays. It has been noted that an Onigre very rarely takes something seriously, unless it is a fight or a competition. Physically similar in stature to an average Orc, though of a slightly leaner and less muscled build, with a skin tone variation more akin to humans, they typically have small horn-like protrusions of various shapes emanating from their skull.
Onigre society resembles that of a never-ending party, due to their numerous and overly long holidays. Travelers often report Onigre holiday rites to be long and intricate, with dancing, various games, contests, and very strong drinks. Onigre have an extremely hardy metabolism, rivaling that of dwarves, which is they attribute to centuries of drinking games and festivities. They have a particular affinity to feats of strength as well, and it is rare to see an Onigre turn one down. Win or lose, it is always a cause for a celebration.
Elves despise Onigre, thinking them frivolous, brutish, and foolhardy; believing that they never take anything seriously. Gnomes particularly, if only in brief doses, enjoy their company, as they both share a love for a good time. Dwarves often attempt to take advantage of the Onigres’ competitive nature, challenging them to test their fortitude in drinking competitions; considering them to be their only worthy adversaries in the field and it to be a badge of honor if they can get an Onigre to slur their speech. Halflings fear them, viewing them as drunken behemoths, towering over them without a care for toes or modesty. They usually use more caution than is strictly necessary when dealing with them. Orcs often like to compete with them in them combat to test their prowess, though avoid them in social situations.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Onigre mature at nearly the same rate as orcs, reaching adulthood by 15, and live to be about 70.
Alignment. Onigre enjoy chaos, in life and in social interactions, so they tend towards the chaotic spectrum.
Size. Bulkier than humans, and heavier than orcs, Onigre range from 5-6 feet tall, and usually weigh in at around 275 lbs. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life in dim party halls and bars, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Onigre constitution. You have advantage on saving throws against being intoxicated, poisoned, and against being drugged.
Life of the Party. You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks as long as a crowd is present to watch.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Orcish, as well as one other language of your choosing.