Ouranite, Rare
Can only be found in the stomach bile or acid sacs of certain creatures throughout Alaraes. It naturally looks like a vibrantly green gelatinous blob with an acrid, sulphury smell, and gives a stinging burn when touched. After refining, it has a sickly green hue and the acrid smell becomes more diminished. This ouranite is rarely harvested due to the difficulty in obtaining it.
Armor – The first time you are hit in a round, as a reaction you may have your armor release a cone of acid out to 5ft dealing 2d6 acid damage to all creatures in range. This ability has 7 charges a day and recharges at dawn.
Weapon – Your weapon deals an additional 3d6 acid damage.
Other – Once per short rest, as an action, you may create a cone of acidic gas 30ft in front of you. Any creature starting or ending their turn in this cone suffers 4d8 acid damage. A successful Constitution save with a DC of 16 halves this damage.