Settings Guide Book
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Settings Guide Book
Deprecated Stuff
Old Campaign Notes
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Other Homebrew
NG, Male Tiefling Wizard, 17
Acolyte of the Tower and gifted mage.
Arlo is a former urchin who managed to sneak into the cave system underneath the tower a few years ago with the goal of stealing magival artifacts. He fell into the Wells of Power at the age of 14 and was mutated by their raw magical energy. These energies mutated him, turning him Albino and granting him deep reserves of magical power. The Obsidian Tower took him in because he was as much a danger to himself and others. In the intervening 3 years he has become one of the most promising young mages at the tower.
pdfjs 100%,800px > :alaraes:appendices:appendix_d:npc_codex:arlo.pdf |
{“name”:“Arlo Taalo”,“size”:“medium”,“type”:“humanoid”,“tag”:“Tiefling”,“alignment”:“Neutral Good”,“hitDice”:“7”,“armorName”:“mage armor”,“shieldBonus”:0,“natArmorBonus”:3,“otherArmorDesc”:“12 (15 with _mage armor_)”,“speed”:“30”,“burrowSpeed”:“0”,“climbSpeed”:“0”,“flySpeed”:“0”,“hover”:false,“swimSpeed”:“0”,“customHP”:false,“customSpeed”:false,“hpText”:“40 (9d8)”,“speedDesc”:“30 ft.”,“strPoints”:“9”,“dexPoints”:“15”,“conPoints”:“14”,“intPoints”:“18”,“wisPoints”:“13”,“chaPoints”:“11”,“blindsight”:“0”,“blind”:false,“darkvision”:“0”,“tremorsense”:“0”,“truesight”:“0”,“telepathy”:0,“cr”:“6”,“customCr”:“6 (2,300 XP)”,“customProf”:3,“isLegendary”:false,“legendariesDescription”:“The mage can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The mage regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.”,“isLair”:false,“lairDescription”:“When fighting inside its lair, the mage can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the mage can take one lair action to cause one of the following effects:”,“lairDescriptionEnd”:“The mage can't repeat an effect until they have all been used, and it can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.”,“isRegional”:false,“regionalDescription”:“The region containing the mage's lair is warped by the creature's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects:”,“regionalDescriptionEnd”:“If the mage dies, the first two effects fade over the course of 3d10 days.”,“properties”:[],“abilities”:[{“name”:“Spellcasting”,“desc”:“[MON] is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence. Spell save DC [INT SAVE], Spell Attack [INT ATK]. [MON] has the following wizard spells prepared:\n\n> Cantrips (at will): _acid splace, light, frostbite, mold earth, prestidigitation_\n> 1st level (4 slots): _detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, burning hands_\n> 2nd level (3 slots): _dragon's breath , invisibility, mind spike_\n> 3rd level (2 slots): _counterspell, flame arrows, fireball_”},{“name”:“Pendant (Sonic ouranite)”,“desc”:“[MON] has advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks related to hearing and can cast the spell _message_ as a bonus action. In addition, as an action you may create a sound within 30 feet of you in a location you can see as the spell _minor illusion_.”},{“name”:“Arcane Recovery”,“desc”:“Once per long rest when [MON] finishes a short rest, he can choose a combined level of 3 expended spells slots to recover.”},{“name”:“Spell Sculpter”,“desc”:“When [MON] casts an evocation spell that affects other creatures that he can see, [MON] can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spells level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.”}],“actions”:[{“name”:“Dagger (Sonic ouranite)”,“desc”:“_Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:_ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. _Hit:_ 8 (1d4 + 2d4 + 2) piercing/force damage.”},{“name”:“Bracers (Water Ouranite)”,“desc”:“As an action, [MON] may cast the spell _create water_ as a 1st level caster 4 times a day. This ability recharges at dawn.”}],“reactions”:[],“legendaries”:[],“lairs”:[],“regionals”:[],“sthrows”:[{“name”:“int”,“order”:3},{“name”:“wis”,“order”:4}],“skills”:[{“name”:“arcana”,“stat”:“int”},{“name”:“insight”,“stat”:“wis”},{“name”:“sleight of Hand”,“stat”:“dex”},{“name”:“stealth”,“stat”:“dex”}],“damagetypes”:[],“specialdamage”:[],“conditions”:[],“languages”:[{“name”:“any four languages”,“speaks”:true}],“understandsBut”:“”,“shortName”:“Arlo”,“doubleColumns”:false,“separationPoint”:0,“damage”:[]}